"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age." --Jesus Christ (Matt. 28:19-20)
So this past week I've discovered how big of a hypocrite I am. At Campus Crusade, Elevate, evangelism class, and the Sons of Thunder small group (love those guys), there has been a message or conversation about spreading the Good News to people.
The Spirit has been convicting me about how I don't reach out to people and tell them about what Christ has done for me. That's part of the reason why I started this blog. I want people to know how God is working in my life.
I think my biggest witness to other people is the way I act and conduct myself. If you know me, then feel free to disagree with me (I would actually appreciate the criticism), but I think I do a decent job in this aspect of witnessing. I've had people actually walk up to me and tell me that there's something different (in a good way) about me.
While that's a powerful witness to others, I think I've gotta take it a step further. I've gotta start actually telling people about Christ. This is hard for most Christians to do, but it's especially hard for me because if you know me, then you know that I'm not a very outspoken person.
I'm working on some ways to help myself with this. For instance, in the Sons of Thunder small group that I'm part of, I suggested that one week we should meet at a restaurant. Having a Bible study in a public place like that could open up some great opportunities to witness. Also, I plan on going on some missions trips over the next few months. That should hopefully increase my confidence in spreading the Good News.
This is something I think most, if not all, Christians struggle with. The world today is not exactly thrilled with Christians because most people have an incorrect view of us. They have been influenced by the media or by coming in contact with Christians who don't represent our faith very well. But the world is in critical condition right now, and it's up to us--or rather it's up to God through us--to save as many as we possibly can.
That's my soapbox for the day.