Pet Peeves
2/04/2008 09:27:00 AM | Author: Adam Hunter
Every person on this planet has at least one thing that always gets on his nerves... a "pet peeve" if you will. I'm going to attempt to list my Top 5 Pet Peeves in reverse order. This may be a bad idea on my part, because I'm sure somebody out there will use these against me. But I'll take that risk.

Adam Hunter's Top 5 Pet Peeves

5. When people sign their name on the attendance sheet, then leave the class
This is just outright lying. A worse alternative to this is when someone signs somebody else's
name on the sheet. That just plain pisses me off.

4. When people say or do things just because their pastor said so
I can't stand it when somebody says that something is a sin, or that we can or can't do something just because they heard somebody else (usually his pastor) say it. For instance, people will say that drinking alcohol or having a tattoo is a sin just because they heard their pastor say that in a sermon, even though there is no Biblical evidence for such a claim.

3. Drivers who don't use a turn signal when turning
Drivers in South Carolina are notorious for this, and it drives me nuts! Seriously, how hard is it to move your hand a couple inches over and flip the turn signal on when you're about to turn? Are you really so lazy that you can't do that? Is it really that much trouble? If your electronic turn signal doesn't work for whatever reason, then use the old fashioned hand signals. It's supposed to be against the law to not use a turn signal, and if I were a cop, I'd pull everyone over who didn't use one.

2. Drivers who insist on driving two feet off my bumper (aka. "Tailgating")
Okay, really... is driving two feet off my bumper really going to get you to where you want to go any faster? What makes this worse is when people do it on a multi-lane highway where they can easily pass me. I swear one of these days I'm gonna slam on my brakes when someone does it. But for now I take great satisfaction in driving 10mph below the speed limit just to piss them off.

1. When people don't confront those they have a problem with
This is one that I've personally dealt with recently. If you have a problem with someone, don't go complaining to other people about it. Go confront him about it yourself.
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On February 7, 2008 at 1:15 PM , Anonymous said...

I totally agree with number four. It's one of my biggest pet peeves as well. Sometime throughout existance people have associated certain ideas with the Bible and Christ and they're not true. Tattoos, piercings and the clothes you wear have nothing to do with your relationship with God in my opinion. And the same with the alcohol and cigarettes connotations. Someone is not evil just because they smoke. And alcohol is not a sin unless it's abused. Grr. Lol, anyway... stepping down from the soap box.