Resurrect Me
6/27/2008 06:22:00 PM | Author: Adam Hunter
That's the name of a song by Jon Foreman on his Summer EP. I think it's appropiate given what has been happening to me so far this summer.

Over the past few weeks here in Orlando, I have been learning so much. God is using the people here to teach me new and awesome things. I'm becoming better at reading and studying God's Word. I'm becoming far more bold when it comes to sharing my faith in Christ. My calling into missions has been confirmed time and time again. And I've learned how to be a better boyfriend to Holly. It has been an awesome experience.

Working at Disney has been pretty exciting. It's definitely a challenge at times, but it's rewarding. I get to interact with tons of people, especially children. That's not something that I'm used to doing, so I have no doubt that God placed me in this situation so that I'll overcome some of my weaknesses.

In other news, last Saturday marked one month for Holly and I. It's hard to believe because it feels like just yesterday that I was in Maryland hanging out with her and meeting her family. I can't wait until August when she and I head off to BCOM. It's going to be awesomeness.

God is moving here at the SOP and in my life. He has definitely been helping me to overcome some of the issues I've been having in my life lately. And because of that, it didn't take long at all for Satan to start throwing crap at me. But I am persevering, thanks to the strength and faithfulness of my awesome God, as well as encouragement from Holly, my family, and friends.

I can't wait to see what going to happen next.
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On July 9, 2008 at 9:39 PM , Juels said...

and now i'm officially stalking you,
and added you here
what can i say?
Holly talks so much about you ;)

On July 14, 2008 at 12:04 PM , Cookie said...

Awww, I didn't know you've linked to my blog!! I'll add you, too! :) Hope you're doing well.