Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.--Luke 11:2
First of all, I'll say congratulations to Barack Obama in winning the presidency. I do not agree with anything he stands for, but he will be our next president and therefore deserves respect. I just pray that he realizes that he will answer to God for what he does in the next 4+ years.
I just want to remind everyone that Obama winning the presidency doesn't surprise God. According to Daniel 2:20-21, God "removes [presidents] and raises up [presidents]." Somehow, Obama's presidency will serve God's ultimate will.
However, the Spirit is moving me to prepare. America (and the entire world) is on the verge of a darkness never seen before. Now more than ever, Christ's church needs to be on the watch. Something inside me tells me that it won't be much longer until America begins to turn on followers of Christ.
Somebody in class mentioned that schools are doing "drills" to prepare children in case of a school shooting, and some of those schools are referring to the shooters as Christians. According to the world, Christians are "intolerant", and it won't be long until they see us as a hindrance to their progress and seek to get rid of us.
You can call me a conspiracy theorist. You can call me paranoid. But read Matthew 24. It's coming. And we need to be ready. Will you endure to the end? Or will your love grow cold?
Holy Spirit reign down, all around!