Sorry, I had to finish the song. Anyway...
"Make a tree good and its fruit will be good, or make a tree bad and its fruit will be bad, for a tree is recognized by its fruit. You brood of vipers, how can you who are evil say anything good? For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him. But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken. For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned."--Jesus in Matthew 12:33-37 (NIV)
I was reading this passage of Scripture today, and it just hit me how important our words are. According to Jesus, what comes out of our mouths is the indicator of what's going on in our hearts.
Here at BCOM, there has recently been a lot of negativity going around. I have been hearing many negative, cynical remarks concerning various things. Even things that should normally be good, such as a desire to go preach the Gospel, is being tainted by negative statements that are often putting down the ministry of BCOM.

On another note, what we talk about most often shows what we love most. I used to love talking about sports and music (and I still do, to an extent). That was because in my heart that is what I loved most. But, as Christians, isn't our number one priority to love God with everything we are (Matt. 22:37)?
If God is to be our primary love, our hearts should overflow with that love. Therefore, since the overflow of the heart comes through our mouths, most of our words should be related to God. Yet I rarely hear Christians talking about God.
I love engaging in conversations about God, yet they rarely happen. It seems strange, and it often makes people, even Christians, feel uncomfortable. If you truly love God, I encourage you to start a conversation today about Him. You won't be disappointed.
Here at BCOM, there has recently been a lot of negativity going around. I have been hearing many negative, cynical remarks concerning various things. Even things that should normally be good, such as a desire to go preach the Gospel, is being tainted by negative statements that are often putting down the ministry of BCOM.
On another note, what we talk about most often shows what we love most. I used to love talking about sports and music (and I still do, to an extent). That was because in my heart that is what I loved most. But, as Christians, isn't our number one priority to love God with everything we are (Matt. 22:37)?
If God is to be our primary love, our hearts should overflow with that love. Therefore, since the overflow of the heart comes through our mouths, most of our words should be related to God. Yet I rarely hear Christians talking about God.
I love engaging in conversations about God, yet they rarely happen. It seems strange, and it often makes people, even Christians, feel uncomfortable. If you truly love God, I encourage you to start a conversation today about Him. You won't be disappointed.
This is really good! I was singing in the chapel and the Lord reminded me of these verses. I was singing praises to Him, about Him being my first love, etc. etc. etc. But I realized that I better believe what I am saying because He is taking it seriously!
Wow, good blog, hon! :-)