If there is one thing I have learned in the last couple years of my life, it's that things rarely go according to how I plan them. Once again, God has revealed to me that my plans are not always his plans. Therefore, I sometimes have to change my plans. That is the case now.
In a previous blog, I mentioned that I would be going on a 16-month overseas internship to Vienna, Austria. However, the Lord did not give me any kind of peace about it or vision for it. After taking a week to fast and pray to the Lord for direction, the decision was made to instead go on a 4-month internship to the Philippines in January. Holly will be joining me there as well.
There are several reasons that I arrived at this decision, the most important one being that I finally feel like I am doing what the Lord wants me to do. I have peace about this decision. Outside of that, going to the Philippines will allow Holly to visit the midwifery school that she wants to attend in the future. This trip will allow us to network and build relationships, should we come back for her to attend the school. I am also looking forward to the ministry, which will almost certainly involve working with children and young adults (one of my passions).
The Lord is also moving me to make a return trip to Nicaragua this August. Holly and I, along with a friend of ours named Moises, are currently forming a team to spend three weeks in Nicaragua. For the first two weeks we will be ministering to the children and families in the Managua dumps. We also want to reconnect with the kids we met on the first trip (such as Jimmy in the picture here). The third week will be spent aiding Adam Todd at Campo Alegria (the camp we worked at in my previous trip).
Please pray for Holly and I as we prepare to embark on the adventures God has put before us. Also, please pray for finances for these trips, as well as for Holly's remaining BCOM tuition.
Whew! That was a huge update that I'm sure caught some of you off-guard. I've found that God's good at doing that.
Until next time!
This entry was posted on 6/01/2009 09:49:00 PM and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
God certainly is good at changing our plans around! I feel like that's been the story of my life in the past five years as well. I love it though. I'm so happy you are going to the Philippines! I really want to go to Nicaragua with you and spend time with the children there. If only school didn't get in the way... I know you will have a wonderful time though! OH and I have something cool to share with you next time we talk! :)
Also, I had to type in the word pillsar for be able to post this comment on your blog. Pillsar is a funny word.